Episode 08
Her Name Is Emily
Two years after the Zygaena test, Wangnan and the others take a test on the 28th floor, which they successfully pass. Meanwhile, Khun’s team takes a test on the 29th floor, which they pass as well. Both teams are hoping to participate in the Workshop Battle on the 30th floor that will be held in two months. The teams make progress towards this contest held once every five years.
- 脚本:吉﨑崇⼆
- 演出:西村大樹
- 総作画監督:北澤精吾、鹿島功光
- 作画監督:彭 佩琦、玉里栄二、洪 範錫、丘、スタジオグラム、暁・火鳥動画制作集団、徐 學文、葉 雲