Episode 10
The Hand of Arlen


Seeking Cassano, Kang Horyang leaves his team to visit the tent village on the 28th floor, where he asks information seller Xia Xia about Cassano’s whereabouts. He is told he is at the massive stone statue known as the Hand of Arlen. There Kang Horyang runs into Khun’s team, who have come to defeat the Devil of the Right Arm. Meanwhile, Viole arrives in the tent village while pursuing Kang Horyang.


  • 脚本:吉﨑崇⼆
  • 演出:山田太郎
  • 総作画監督:北澤精吾、鹿島功光、緒方浩美
  • 作画監督:廣中美佳、符 世銘、清水椋大、藤 彩七、遠藤里蘭、江島あかり、とのはち、竹内 寛、RadPlus、スタジオグラム、暁・火鳥動画制作集団