Episode 13


Khun learns everything from Hwaryun, and he decides to join Wangnan’s team in the Workshop Battle. Meanwhile, Bam is finally reunited with Khun at the Hand of Arlen, but as he is still bound by FUG, he remains on Team FUG as Viole. Team Shibisu advocates overthrowing FUG, Rak pursues the path he believes in, and as the test takers’ desires intersect, the Workshop Battle finally begins on Archimedes!


  • 脚本:宮本武史
  • 演出:高田昌宏
  • 総作画監督:北澤精吾、鹿島功光、羽田浩二
  • 作画監督:増田千絵、洪 範錫、MYEONGJUN CHA、JACHEON KOO、WHITE LINE、Fincrossed Studio